Creating The Future 2021
Last year, 2020 brought unique challenges both socially and economically which will shape our lives forever. The Covid-19 pandemic is considered to have accelerated innovation trends in several sectors and, as the central player in managing the crisis, healthcare stands near the top of the list.
On the one hand, the world has leveraged technology and its lasting impact will without doubt shape the future, but on the other, education and many other key priorities have suffered.
Although the way we currently work and live may look very different, many of the other important challenges we face have remained the same, including the looming climate crisis which we simply cannot afford to ignore.
This year’s event
On 12th May 2021, Weatherbys Private Bank hosted its third Creating The Future conference, which wias be digital for the first time and stimulated discussion about the important issues that will affect future generations. First held in 2018, the event brought together a line-up of world-renowned influential speakers to explore some of the world’s most challenging and exciting issues across business, health and wellbeing, and the environment.
Topics under the spotlight this year included what businesses and governments should do to enable a sustainable future; how pioneering technology will transform the future of healthcare; what the future of food looks like and its potential impact on our society and cultural behaviours and the future information landscape in which fake information is impossible to distinguish from the truth.
Climate change
With COP26 – the UN Climate Change Conference – taking place in Glasgow this coming November, and with climate change so high on the global political agenda, Nigel Topping, the UK’s High-Level Climate Action Champion, Tom Rivett-Carnac, Co-founder of Global Optimism, and Paul Polman, Co-founder and Chair of IMAGINE joined the conference. They delved into how important it is to address the climate change crisis in the wake of the current pandemic and discussed how individuals and nations across the globe can step up in the fight to build back better post Covid-19.
The future of medicine, AI, disinformation and food
Other speakers at the 2021 event included: Professor Shafi Ahmed, a multi-award-winning surgeon who live streams his operations; Tabitha Goldstaub, the chair of the UK government’s AI Council; Carl Miller, Research Director at the UK’s leading social media think tank; best-selling author Mark Stevenson; and Dr Morgaine Gaye, a food futurologist who examines food and eating from a social, cultural, economic, trend, branding and geo-political perspective.
Roger Weatherby, CEO & Founder of Creating The Future
Roger Weatherby, Chief Executive at Weatherbys Private Bank said: “Creating The Future typifies what the Bank stands for. We are about being a trusted adviser to our clients, helping to stimulate discussion and debate about important issues that will affect them and future generations of their families.”
Find out more
To find out more about the Creating The Future 2021, hosted by Oli Barrett, MBE, please click here.