Over recent years, Weatherbys Charitable Foundation has been working with Charity: water, which is on a mission to end the global water crisis and reinvent charity. Every single penny donated to the charity is spent in developing countries, bringing clean and safe drinking water to communities. “Globally, 1 in 9 people still have no access to clean water but in communities it serves, it’s 9 out of 9”, it says.
One particular project our Charitable Foundation has helped is now bringing clean water to a village in Malawi called Sapitwa, transforming the lives of 265 adults and children by giving them access to life’s basic needs. Beatrice, a student at the local primary school, no longer has to walk half a mile to find the closest water point. “We would come back tired and fail to concentrate in class. But now our lives have been made easy.”
Charity: water has played an integral part of our Creating The Future initiative. Subsequently our clients supported two community projects in Rwanda helping to fund piped tap systems for schools.
To find out more about Charity: water and its projects, visit www.charitywater.org/uk/our-work